Prodia Workplace®
Drug testing
for workplaces
For increased safety, a better working environment and more profitable workplaces.
Drug testing
- first step to
Reduced short-term absence
Reduced risk of accidents
Healthier staff
100% work efficiency
1 in 4 workplace accidents with a fatal outcome are substance abuse-related.
Healthy employees increase safety.
SEK 150,000
Approximately SEK 150,000 per year costs an addict in lost production alone.
A drug-free workplace is a more profitable workplace.
80% of all addicts have a job to go to.
Detect the addiction early before the effects grow too great.
Nice colleagues and empathetic leaders
When we feel good, we cooperate better. When we feel seen, we put in more effort. When we are healthy, we become more efficient. A drug-free workplace is a healthier workplace. But if you don't know what the problems look like in your organization - how are you going to tackle them?
5.5% have taken drugs
When we drug test a business for the first time, 5.5 percent of the randomly selected people show a positive result on their drug test. That's our average result. That's 5.5 percent of a workforce that risks falling deeper into addiction, has higher absenteeism and performs worse.
Testing reduces drug use in 1 year
When we have cooperated with you for a year, we know statistically that there has been a reduction of positive test results on your drug tests by year 2 by 50 percent. This means reduced absenteeism, reduced number of thefts, reduced risk of accidents, safer working environment and increased productivity.
Nicer work environment & healthier staff with drug testing
A well-thought-out drug policy
The drug policy should provide a safer and healthier workplace. We have over 25 years of experience and up-to-date knowledge of ethical and legal requirements.
World-leading drug analyses
We are with you through the entire process. From the curiosity about drug testing through negotiations with unions, establishment of drug policy, implementation of workplace testing and evaluation of results from your drug tests. Prodia Workplace for workplace testing is a strategy we develop adapted to your business and which becomes your way of working for a drug-free workplace.
Prodia Workplace®
We take care
the drug testing
"Healthy workplaces are created through long-term work that looks at both the person and the business. Drug testing, with the educational work around it, is an important part of a sustainable whole."
Prodia Workplace®
Susanne Nidemar
Founder of Prodia
Saliva, blood
or urine?
With workplace tests, you don't have to think about which analysis is needed, we take care of that for you.
Saliva sample
A saliva sample is safe, runs relatively quickly and does not risk being perceived as violating privacy. The sample is effective in random drug testing in workplaces and a reliable sample for follow-up testing.
Are legally sustainable
Gives results within a week
Detects over 60 drugs in a multi-assay
Traces amphetamine the longest of all analyses
Withstands cold and heat
Urine sample
Urine samples are the analysis with the longest trace time for the vast majority of substances - something that needs to be treated with caution in workplace testing. There is some risk of manipulation and of being perceived as violating privacy.
Are legally sustainable
Gives results within a week
Analyzes the entire drug group
Manipulation control included
Laboratory kit with hygienic system
Blood sample
A blood test can be done either venously, i.e. in the crease of the arm, or capillary as a finger prick. Blood tests give a slightly shorter tracking time than urine tests, but give a more complex result that tells more precisely what entered the body when.
Are legally sustainable
Gives results within a week
Detects 80 drugs in a multi-assay
Shows parent substances and metabolites
Most reliable analysis to follow benzodiazepines
We are ready when new drugs come to Sweden
The new drugs will always come. It is the market's surest method of survival. We must follow, close behind.
We collaborate with the German laboratory MVZ Labor Dessau, which with its location in Central Europe often receives information about new drugs before they arrive in Sweden. That way, we can be prepared for what will soon reach Sweden.
Abuse and drug testing
We educate & keep you informed of the situation
Vad säger forskningen om drogmissbruk på arbetsplatser? Hur bemöter jag frågor kring drogtestning? Ska jag lita på resultatet från ett drogtest eller en anställd jag känt i flera år?
Vi erbjuder grundläggande utbildning i hur drogtestning fungerar, vad du kan förvänta dig av analyserna och vad dina anställda kan förvänta sig. Du kan också få tillgång till medicinsk expertis i både drogtestsjuksköterska och laboratorieläkare genom vår support.
We analyze your business and your challenges. Together with you, we develop a drug policy.
Drug policy
We are with you and the workplace union representatives in all types of negotiations. Our experts have experience in various industries and knowledge of current regulations.
Union negotiation
At all samplings, it is our certified nurses who take the drug tests. If the tests are blood samples, it is always healthcare-trained personnel who take the samples.
Independent party drug testing
The samples are sent to our partner MVZ Labor Dessau for analyzes that provide legally valid results.
Analysis at an accredited laboratory
A so-called MRO doctor (medical review officer) with special expertise in interpreting drug analyzes contacts the employee who may have received a positive test result. The doctor then checks whether the sample response to the drug test may be due to prescription medications.
MRO doctors feedback
If the results have revealed ongoing abuse, we will help you as an employer with recommendations regarding procedures for handling and treatment.
Support for treatment
If the results have revealed ongoing abuse, we will help you as an employer with recommendations regarding procedures for handling and treatment.
Support for treatment
If the results have revealed ongoing abuse, we will help you as an employer with recommendations regarding procedures for handling and treatment.
Support for treatment
Prodia Workplace®
Get started with drug testing in the workplace
This is how you do it
Prodia Workplace®
New hire test
With drug tests for new hires, you stop abuse at the door and convey a powerful signal value both within the organization and out into society that your workplace is a drug-free and safe environment. New hire tests are also decided independently by the employer and there is no requirement to negotiate with unions. For drug testing for new hires, we recommend saliva tests that have a 0 percent margin of error, track 60 different drugs and whose method does not violate privacy.
Prodia Workplace®
Suspicion test
Symptoms of drug abuse are comparable to those of burnout, therefore a drug test in case of suspicion should always be carried out with the utmost regard for the employee's integrity. Regardless of the result, a suspicion test can be the start of an important change where employer and employee have the test result as a starting point in a dialogue about well-being, work situation and lifestyle. In order to carry out a drug test in case of suspicion, you need a well-developed alcohol and drug policy.
Prodia Workplace®
Random tests
Random drug testing is your most effective prevention tool. At regular intervals, we carry out unannounced drug testing of a number of randomly selected employees. The selection takes place completely anonymously based on employment numbers and the samples taken are legally valid saliva analyzes that track the entire addiction. In order to do random drug tests, you need an approved and elaborated alcohol and drug policy.